Saturday, September 26, 2015

Graduate school

Instead of just sitting there thinking about it, I've begun to take some of the first (or is it secondary?) steps to thinking about graduate school (to obtain my master's, and thereafter: PhD). The thing is: just about all (if not all) prospective students are required to take the GRE, a test that costs $200 some odd. (Come on: I'm a dirt poor university student who just got really lucky to be in college in the first place. Cut us some slack.) Ya I've been in college for nearly six years now: let's take a three hour long test that will be the determining factor of my future, k thx.

Anyhow... I've been finding that some colleges will allow students to waive the GRE under special circumstances (experience in field of interest, high class standing, etc), which gives me a lot of hope. Not only that, but I'm finding some schools that are beginning to break the mold a bit by not requiring standardized texting. One of such schools not only offers the program I want to continue, but also offers several options for traveling abroad in addition to great job opportunities both near and far.

Guess what tho.

The school's in Hawaii.

And I'm in Ohio.



I'm sure we can see where some of the other problems lie. This shouldn't suggest that I won't apply to the school, however. If things work out, attending this sort of school with so many options (in Hawaii, which has strong ties with Japan, no less) will greatly improve my career outlook.

Let's see how it goes.

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